Julien Cooper
Julien Cooper 于2016年获取澳大利亚麦考瑞大学古代史博士,2016年至2018年任牛津大学博士后研究员, 2018年至2020年任耶鲁大学埃及学博士后助理研究员兼讲师, 2021年3月入职历史文化研究中心。Julien Cooper 博士的主要研究领域为古代史、埃及学和非洲文明。
- J. Cooper (2020), Toponymy on the periphery: Placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and
South Sinai in Egyptian Documents from the Early Dynastic till the end of the New
Kingdom, Brill: Probleme der Ägyptologie 39.
- J. Cooper (2021) ‘Mines, towns, and cemeteries: The 2018 Season of the Atbai Survey Project’, Sudan & Nubia 25, 121-134.
- J. Cooper (2021), ‘Between the Nile and the Red Sea: Medjay Desert Polities in the Third to First Millennium BCE’, Old World: Journal of Ancient Eurasia and Africa 1, 1-22.
- J. Cooper (2020), ‘A Nomadic State? The ‘Blemmyean-Beja’ polity of the ancient Eastern Desert’, Journal of African History 61, 383-407.
- J. Cooper & D. Vanhulle (2019), ‘Boats and routes: new rock art in the Atbai desert’, Sudan & Nubia 23, 3-13.