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Shawn Wang

Associate Professor      CV

Dr. Xiang WANG (Shawn WANG) received his Ph.D. degree in Religious Studies from Stanford University. He is an associate professor in the General Education Office of Beijing Normal University—Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. He is now teaching interregional and multidisciplinary courses on Buddhology and world religions, which regularly cover many diverse cultures of the "One Belt One Road" countries. 

In addition to Asian Studies, his other interests include spiritual classics, comparative mysticism and thanatology. So far he has single-authored a monograph on Ximing Monastery and translated a book by the British historian Eric Hobsbawn. He also published numerous journal articles, book chapters, papers in proceedings, book reviews as well as government research reports and newspaper articles for both academic professionals and the reading public. He is currently at work on two book manuscripts funded by Guangdong Province and the National Social Science Grant of China. The first book is the first edition of the Chinese “Anthology of World Religions",while the second one focuses on ancient Buddhist manuscript libraries along the Silk Road (forthcoming, 2022).

Selected publications
  • 王博士著有英文专书Ximing Monastery:History and Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism(2015),并翻译了历史学家霍布斯鲍姆(Eric Hobsbawn)所著的《非凡的小人物:反抗、造反及爵士乐》(2001)。王博士曾先后在《唐研究》、《国际汉学研究通讯》、《图书馆杂志》、以及Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization等期刊发表了各类中英文文章、书评和书籍章节等数十篇,并获得省市和国家级的各种研究基金和奖学金数十种。目前王博士的研究计划包括编纂汉语学界的第一部《世界宗教文选》以及撰写全球第一部有关“丝路交流中的佛教图书馆”的专著(预计2022年出版)。